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Master of mayhem, prop lunatic Wes Zaharuk, takes audience on a joy-ride of frenzy machine-gun anarchic physical comedy routines and maniac physical audience interaction. Wes is easily one of the most exciting acts on the comedy circuit. If you like to laugh out loud you won’t want to miss this show.


Canadian Wes appeared across the USA and Canada before basing himself in the UK. As well as North America, he’s brought his eccentric collection of prop tricks to (amongst other countries) Germany, Israel, Cyprus, Denmark, Australia and Singapore. He has a wealth of experience in both the club and corporate worlds across North America and Europe.


Wes Zaharuk credits his comic roots to his parents. They made ‘not listening’ an Olympic event. As a child, his parents dressed him in wool pants that were incredibly itchy. Complain as he would, his words fell on deaf ears. When he developed a skin condition that looked like a large, all-dressed pizza, he was tested for allergies. It was found that he was allergic to wool. Through it all, Wes developed his desire to be heard — if only to reduce rash.


About the use of props, such as vacuums, whips, and blowers, in his performance Wes quips ‘Show business sometimes lures people who didn’t get enough love early in life. I feel as a child I didn’t get enough unsupervised time with power tools but who has perfect parents?’


“Twin Peaks meets Cirque Du SoleilToronto Sun

“A rib-ticking dive into the surreal.Channel 4



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